+ 27 82 820 6770 gerard@cbv63.co.za

Information Required for a Business Valuation

  1. Financial statements for the past five years
  2. Management accounts to current (BS & IS)
  3. Last months trial balance
  4. Sales Projections & budgets
  5. Financial projections & budgets
  6. Copy of last income tax assessment
  7. Share register (Owners list)
  8. Fixed asset register
  9. Assets excluded from valuation
  10. Wear & tear schedule
  11. PPE fair valuation
  12. Last creditors aged analysis
  13. Last debtors aged analysis
  14. Schedule of provisions
  15. Last inventory list with aging
  16. Copy of premises lease agreement
  17. Insurance policies schedules
  18. Shareholder agreements (Owners limitations)
  19. Marketing literature
  20. List of long term liabilities including terms & balances
  21. Schedule of owners benefits
  22. Schedule of non operating expenses
  23. Schedule of non recurring income & expenses
  24. Management organogram
  25. Capital expenditure commitment requirements
  26. Working capital requirements
  27. List of personal securities offered
  28. Corporate Governance policies
  29. List of current litigation & disputes
  30. Owners declaration
  31. Current legal contracts
  32. Bank statement debit orders schedule